Newcomer X-Mas 2024

We have put some basic information together for you. Please note that every inquiry naturally has to be dealt with individually as we could not hope to cover every possible case in writing here. Our customer advisers would be happy to advise you and answer any questions you may have by phone. To make sure the advice you get corresponds to your particular inquiry, we require your desired print subject. Delivery times Our delivery dates are valid as stated in the order confirmation, in each case within the delivery week/day of delivery. Our delivery times depend on the approval of the printing copies and not on when printing copies were received. We cannot confirm a delivery time without an approval of the printing copies. In the case of high capacity utilisation, delivery times may be extended (e.g. during the Christmas and Easter seasons) Perishable foodstuffs Foodstuffs cannot be exchanged. Please check the goods as soon as you receive them and send us any complaints within 24 hours. We cannot accept any complaints received after this period of time. Once the goods leave our premises, we no longer have any influence on our foodstuffs and thus cannot accept any responsibility or liability either in terms of quality or in terms of the food law. In warm weather, it might be necessary to deliver some products by cold-storage lorry to guarantee the goods arrive in perfect condition (note: differnet freights costs). Corrections Nothing is printed until you have given us your approval in writing. Making changes to the proof you receive from us does not constitute an approval. You will receive a corrected proof to be checked and approved. Please make sure you check the proof we send you very carefully. If you are at all unsure, give us a call. We would be happy to help you. Your approval is a mandatory part of the order. It has unlimited validity and cannot be revoked. We cannot assume any responsibility for the prints you approve or for errors of any kind which may have been overseen. If we are in possession of your data 1:1, the proof is created free of charge. We reserve the right to charge a flat rate for changes made to the proof starting with the third corrected proof. You will be charged for any work carried out by us in preparation for your approval if you subsequently cancel your order. For extra ordered or seasonal goods, we will also have to charge you for these costs. Order Changes After receiving the order confirmation, we can only make system-relevant changes requested by you for a fee of 49,- € Complaints If you have any complaints, please get in touch with us immediately. We require at least ten per cent of the total order as proof of the fault. Please send the goods back to us as proof in the original packaging. This also applies to any complaints you have about printing. Complaints about the taste and appearance of foodstuffs can only be accepted if you handled and stored the goods correctly. Example: Foodstuffs must be stored in a dry place and be protected from changes in temperature (warm/cold). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our customer advisers. Damage during transport: All delivered goods, whether on pallets or in the form of parcels, must be checked immediately for any damage (correct securing, wrapping/boxes undamaged). The driver (freight/logistics company) must be made aware of any visible damage and should confirm this damage in writing on the delivery papers. Please note down the exact details of the damage, including photos, and inform us immediately. Claims concerning damage reported at a later date and/or damage not recorded on the delivery papers cannot be claimed retroactively! Order quantities For technical reasons, divergence of quantities up to ± 10% is possible. Depending on the category of product, our products are either counted or weighed before they are packed. This can result in different quantities in individual boxes. The final number is checked and logged by us. If there are any irregularities per packing unit, please check the final number. Notes on packing When ordering, please take our packing units into consideration. The specified freight costs are approximated, not binding, and cannot be determined precisely until the order has been completed. Biscuits, cookies, and other baked articles can break during transport. Colours Depending on the material and product, colours may deviate. In the case of multi-coloured printing, a colour-binding proof of the provided data is mandatory. When using a transparent, coloured, or metallic base, colour reproduction can vary if a white background is not used. We would therefore recom- mend that you use a white background, if technically possible, which is charged as an additional print colour (not in digital printing). To avoid complaints about colour, please make sure you include a colour-binding proof. Unchanged reprints can also demonstrate colour deviation. This is for technical reasons and cannot be avoided. Nuances of colour deviation will therefore not be recognised as a complaint. Product deviations Please note that the design of included products may differ from the de- sign in the catalogue. Changes made by the manufacturer at short notice cannot be ruled out. Complaints regarding such changes will therefore not be accepted. Further processing Variations can occur during processing for technical reasons. This applies, for example, to press cuts and blanks of cardboard packaging. In the case of foil products, there can be a slight shift of the motif during packing. In the case of solid designs, cutting can only be controlled within a certain tolerance. It is therefore possible that colour transitions in the motif are displaced in the cutting area and thus visible as a fine stripe (of the other print colour) at the cutting end of the packing. In the case of bags, the content text may be concealed in part by the sealed seam. Tetrahedron packaging: Due to the packaging, it could happen that the position of the printed image varies on the triangular advertising space. Sticky wrappers: Slight blistering may occur and it could happen that the ends of the wrapper may not meet exactly. Shelf life The best before date printed on the promotion packaging (1 week tolerance) ist based on the delivery date at the time the print is approved. If there are postponements on your part, we will only adjust the best before date at your request and will charge 49,- € for the change. No more changes are possible if the print has already been made. The best before date can only be guaranteed if the storage is suitable for use with foods. Taking the product specific properties into account, please ensure you store the product in a dry, cool place protected from sunlight. Temperature fluctiontions should be avoided, especially with products containing chocolate, as otherwise a bloom of fat (white coating) can form. Manufacturer’s notification on products In accordance with EU directive 178/2002 for the guarantee of food safety and in compliance with the requirements of the food law, we will be attaching a manufacturer’s notification to our products/selling units. For most products, the end customer, dealer, or agency can decide whet- her he himself as the issuer should be specified on the product packaging or outer packaging or whether the manufacturer should be named. If we are not provided with a manufacturer’s notification, we will use our manu- facturer. If the end customer explicitly rejects all these specifications, the manufacturer must be released from all claims in writing. We are obliged to advise you that manufacturer’s data must comply with legal specifications. The data are not intended for any promotional purpose. Declaration Due to food law regulations in accordance to VO 1169/2001, the declaration must be in the official language of the country in which the goods are distributed. If declared in another language, we can not guarantee the marketability of the goods. The responsibility of marketability in this case passes to the customer. Distribution list If the products are to be sent to different shipping addresses, please send us the address data as an EXCEL file with one address component per column (e.g. company1/company2/street/postal code etc.). Just ask for our template. Bills of delivery must be provided in triplicate. Depending on the work involved, additional costs may be incurred. GENERAL INFORMATION