Ultimately. Different.

8 CLIMATE PROTECTION PROJECT RIMBA RAYA ON BORNEO Our company is entirely climate-neutral. That means that emissions that cannot be completely avoided are calculated according to internationally acknowledged standards and fully offset through support for selected climate protection projects. We currently support a project in Rimba Raya, on the island of Borneo. Thanks to the biodiversity reserve, the endangered Borneo orang-utan now has a safe home along with palm oil plantations and the TanjungPuting National Park. The tropical swamp forest is one of the last remaining natural habi- tats of orang-utans. The area provides an ideal biosphere for a wide range of flora and fau- na. The ecosystem is supported by the refores- tation of damaged areas. The community also con- tributes by supporting acti- vities such as the provision of individual water filters, firefighting, solar lighting, libraries, micro-enterprises and a floating clinic. The project aims to re-establish forests, expand the CO 2 sink and thus provide additio- nal living space for wild animals. Forests are among the most planet’s important carbon sinks, are home to a wide variety of species and are the basis of life for humanity as a whole. This and other forest protection projects help ensure the long-term preservation of the forests and that greater value is placed on protecting forests than on cutting them down. The CO 2 footprint is certified by the indepen- dent organisation, ClimatePartner.