Ultimately. Different.

6 HOLD YOUR TONGUE? HERE IS NEWS WITH A DIFFERENCE. SOCIAL COMMITMENT IS MORE THAN JUST A SLOGAN TO US! THE BEGINNING OF A CUDDLY SPONSORSHIP. The Wilhelma in Stuttgart, the wildest place in Ger- many and one of the zoos with the most species anywhere in the world, fights tirelessly for the pre- servation of our precious biodiversity. It campaigns for environmental education and scientific research – issues that are very close to our heart. That is why, in line with our motto ULTIMATELY. DIFFERENT. JUNG. we took over sponsorship of the adorable female koala Auburn at the end of 2023. Yes, you heard correctly – we are officially the proud godparents of a cuddly, leaf-nibbling superstar! Auburn moved into Terra Australis in August 2023 and came to the Wilhelma with her furry friends from the Dreamworld Wildlife Foundation, which has dedicated itself to protecting and preserving endangered Australian animals. Our social and environmental commitment is not just empty rhetoric, but a sweet reality. Be a part of our mission to change the world for better! Photo: Wilhelma Stuttgart / Marcel Schneider