Ultimately. Different.

Across our entire product portfolio, we call on high-qua- lity materials and branded products that we make use of in the best possible way. But we shouldn’t forget the silent products that make our advertising treats into se- cret stars, sparkling with quality and responsible manu- facturing processes. They make us very proud indeed. To tease these products out of their “quiet corner” and give them the stardom they deserve, we have develo- ped our “Secret Stars” label. Products bearing this la- bel do not stand out through well-known brand names, but through the “no name” approach. These products are manufactured for us and thus meet the stringent quality, service and customer satisfaction requirements that we apply to all our products and to our own work. Our “Secret Stars” satisfy important criteria: The products are produced for our range They are produced in fair working conditions Transparent production processes ensure premium quality Production takes place in Europe, preferably in Germany Manageable transport routes reduce CO 2 emissions Cutting-edge technology, carefully selected packa- ging and raw materials, regular quality inspections and independent certifications mean that we can offer you top quality with absolute certainty. See for yourself with our “Secret Stars”! Our label stands for quality and responsible manufacturing processes A NEW STAR IN THE ADVERTISING FIRMAMENT 10